I will make you this recipe with me. I added the ingredients you need to the explanation section. Let's make. İngredients for the upper-part: four medium size eggplant one water glass strained yoğurt two cloves of garlic salt and blackpaper İngredients for the lower-part: two hundred fifty grams medium-fat ground meat one tomato three or four green pepper (I prefer sweet pepper. If you want you can put hot pepper.) one cappia pepper one onion one dessert spoon tomato pasta some oil salt, pepper Let’s start. Firstly, put oil in the pot and hit it. Add the onion you cut into cubes to the pot. Add the tomato pasta and meat when the onion are cooked. Roast meat and onion. Then add the green peppers. Add tomato and other ingredients after a little roasting. Recipe of upper part is ready. Fort he lower part; Add garlic, salt and black pepper to the yoğurt. Mix fully. On the other hand, barbecue eggplant. Then peel the eggplant shells. Mix eggplant an...